Data Profiling

Software Engineering
Product Development


Data profiling is the process of examining, analyzing, and creating summaries of data to understand its structure, content, and quality.

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Data profiling involves the use of various techniques to analyze datasets in detail. The goal is to gather statistics and information about the data, such as patterns, anomalies, and relationships within the dataset. This process helps organizations understand the state of their data, including its completeness, consistency, and accuracy. Data profiling is crucial for identifying problems in data that could affect business decisions and for planning data quality improvement initiatives.

Typically, data profiling includes assessing the quality of data columns, checking for missing or null values, identifying duplicates, and understanding data distributions. By providing insights into the data's current state, data profiling aids in making informed decisions about data management, integration, and governance. It serves as a foundational step for many data-related activities, ensuring that data is fit for its intended purpose.